Homestead Farms

3701 Highway EE · Owensville, MO 65066

Phone/Fax: (573) 437-4277 or 1-888-314-3148


Name: ________________________________

Phone: _________________E-mail: ________

Shipping Address:


Street: _______________________Apt______


City: _______________State_____ZIP_______

Note: If billing address is different than shipping address, please add to back of form.


Payment Method: Check Enclosed  (___)

                               MasterCard         (___)

                               Visa                     (___)

                               Discover              (___)

Card #________________________________


Exp. Date___________ C.V.V #____________




Use back of form for UPS delivery instructions (rural residents & P.O. Box holders)



Name of Variety

Price Each

Total Price





























































Use back of order form for additional space.   TOTAL from reverse side


May we substitute if sold out?  Yes (___)

TOTAL (no minimum order)


                                                      No  (___)



Substitution/Daylily Bonus List:
(Bonus plants for daylily orders of $30 or more)




MO residents add 5.6% sales tax



UPS Ground ($9.50 for orders of $20 or less, $13.00 for orders of $20.01 to $75, $17.50 for orders over $75.01)



Priority Mail ($12.00 + $1 per plant)


Desired shipping date (weather permitting):